frequently asked questions

Don't see an answer to a question you have, please contact us.

What's a service like?

We are a traditional Lutheran Church (LCMS) that uses the liturgy found in the Divine Service.  We focus on God's Word and the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.   We view the service as God coming to us and giving us His promises and blessings through His Word and Sacraments.  We respond with praise and thanksgiving through His Word and music.

What's the music like?

Most of our music comes from our hymnal Lutheran Worship and is accompanied by an organ or the piano.   We will have special offerings given by the choir and various soloists or groups throughout the year.   

How do people dress?

How you want to dress is how you come to worship.  While some will wear suits and dresses, it is not uncommon to have people wear jeans or shorts.    The most important thing is that when you come to visit you are our guest and will be treated like family.

What about my kids?

Kids are most definitely welcome!  For those times when a child can get fussy, we have a room for parents to go where you can still see and hear the service.  We also have the Family Center and basement if more space is needed.  Crying babies are music to our ears and are not frowned upon at all.   Sunday school is offered at 9:30am.

Can I take communion?

As members of the LCMS we believe that Scripture teaches that the Lord's Supper is a precious gift of God in which Christ gives us His true body and blood (in a miraculous way), together with the bread and the wine, for the forgiveness of our sins and the strengthening of our faith. Because the Bible teaches that this Sacrament may also be spiritually harmful if misused, and that participation in the Lord's Supper is an act of confession of faith, the LCMS ordinarily communes only those who have been instructed in the teachings of our church and who have confessed their faith in these teachings.  

If you are not a member of a Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod congregation, we ask that you would refrain from participating in the Lord's Supper until you can speak with a pastor about our practice of communion.   While it may seem unfriendly, we do not take matters of this sacrament lightly and encourage you to explore more about our beliefs and teachings about Holy Communion at  

How can I get connected?

Exploring our website will begin togive you a feel of what St. Paul's is all about.  But we encourage you to come visit! When you come to visit, our ushers and greeters will be more than happy to help you with any questions you may have.  Our service guide provides generous information about upcoming events and contact information for various groups.  Don't hesitate to call or email us about any specific question you may have.    Our goal is to make you feel welcome!

Where do I park?

Parking is available in our parking lot which has entrances from both Sycamore Street and Regent Street.   You may also park on these streets where permitted.   Entryways can be seen from both streets.